Monday, February 22, 2010

Hey guys ...

i think im away for two weeks..

so i will not update my profile kay...

Well klau Iszlee ngah bace blog ni,

i just wanna to tell u that,i had a great time wif u...

I love u!

OhKAY aSH,(my bff)

so u really2 want our photo right ...

Hmm nah,

Well,thats me(in the middle)

From left,(Adelynn n Ash)

I love u guys...!

Hey wait ade lagi ah...
tu je ,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey its me Iszlee,update for Nadra(my beloved gal)...

On 12-02-2010... Me Found Me Love On This Day... The best part is she is skooling the same as me... hahas... Well.. we both excepted each other hearts.. well.. i dunnoe what to say anymore ler... hahas.. i just wanted to say that i love her till the end.. if she could read uhh.. ahahas... padahal kt sebelah.. T_T its kinda weird u guys know that?... writing to someone that the someone is just beside ue?... haizz.... well... i here wanted to say that I Love You will all my hearts that could ever give... >.<.. ahahahas.. the end. OMG!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweet Words R easy to say,
Sweet Things R easy to buy,
But Sweet people like u R difficult to find,
U R the sweetest guy,i never had,
Harap2 kite nyer relantionship stand long eh,
Love u B!

Hey guys,i just wanna say

'Happy Valentine Day' to

'Iszlee Shah Amin'...


i love u B!

Im sowie if i don contact u that much,

cuz ppd low ah,

But, i promise u that i will give u something kan...

kay neh mind,

lets start my blog...

On that day,i mean 12 Feb,

sygku tk leh gi skolah ah,cuz die sakit perot,(ouh kecianyer).,,

So bile hbes skolah,oh wait i forget,kite ade Chinese New Year Concert ah,

oh my,nk kate kan best ke tk,alah forget it ah,but i remember Mrs Karen Tan suroh all lower sec stay bck kan,haish,lagi kecian,

kay tkpe,dh lpas pon,i meet my syg than,die hantar blek,

n kite pon ambek gmbar same2 tau...

Dh gitu,dier ckp...

Alah u noe i noe...

Hehe,dh larh gitu je,short kan story,...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Once upon a time,
Putri love Putra ,
Juliet also love Romeo ,
But actually it was ,
Nadra who love Iszlee...


Monday, February 8, 2010

Hey me again...

Just wanna say sowie to mirul(cyg ku),
i wanna break wif u,cuz,...
ah,i don noe,so please don be mad,kay...
even though,kite dh jadi mcm gini,kite tetap friend kan...

But totally,im freedom,
wif u,just not so freedom at all,
u noe wat,
my friend call me
Cuz i break wif u...
tu lah my reason,

Wahai mirul(bukan aku punye lagi),
i just want u to noe that,
when im wif u i never felt any kasih sayang from at all,
well,i think i get kasih sayang from
my bapak n my mak ade larh,
For u,
relek one corner sudah ah!

Ohkay bck to me,
to all 2 Excel students,
i mean Ash,Shalizah,
korang nk gambar kan...
cheCk iT Out,...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I love u B!


life getting complicated,

Bi,(mirul ku)...

U noe kan that i really cyg u alot,

all this while,we had not contact each other so much,cuz my pp8 low.

Hope u understand lah.

Valentine day nk dkat,

i don noe nk kasi ape eh,

ah,i noe,...

Hope 2 see u on Valentine day eh...

oh mirul,

Bila kau senyum,

ku gembira,

bila kau sedih ku menangis,

bagai kembar rindukan teman,

ku rindu wajahmu,



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Muke mcm ape eh,hehe,just update a new photo.Yok ngok2 lagi.


Me again!

Yes Ter Day...

It was damn fun!

Well,it on


u noe wat,i got to know this guy,

he was damn 'HANDSOME'...

so on that night,we called each other,

dh bual2,

so pukul around 10,alarh u all noe kan,

than after that we become,


Aku cyg [Meng]-[Mirul]...