Monday, March 8, 2010


its me,

just came bck from Bintan,hehe,

gerek giler ah babe...
just for a short while update...
Hey Lelle,tk bilang pon saket,
hey btw i miss u taw
hey babae,i gtg taw,later i text u kay,

Monday, March 1, 2010

Haish bck to blogging,

Just wanna say something,for a short while,...

Actually this is for Lella(bffku),

dont ever be sad,me,always beside you,kay Lella,jgn nangis tau,

walau ape pon,i will be there to help u,i mean get him bck kay,

Ouh btw,

im going Bintan this thursday,until sunday tau,

so hope u jage2 diri baik eh,

gonna miss u Lelle!